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8. Write a function that takes in a string parameter and checks to see whether or not it is an integer, and if it is then return the integer value.

8. Write a function that takes in a string parameter and checks to see whether or not it is an integer, and if it is then return the integer value.

#include <stdio.h>
 int strtoint(char *s)
 int index = 0, flag = 0;

while( *(s+index) != '\0')
if( (*(s + index) >= '0') &&  *(s + index) <= '9')
 flag = 1; index++;
 flag = 0;
if( flag == 1 ) return atoi(s);
else return 0;
  printf("%d",strtoint("0123"));  printf("\n%d",strtoint("0123ii"));  

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